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A Review of Various Python Virtual Environment Managers

Python software packagers and installers space is so crowded and fragmented that it has been the subject of its own XKCD comic.

The Python Packaging Authority (PyPA) is a working group that maintains a core set of projects used in Python packaging. The software developed through the PyPA is used to package, share, and install Python software and to interact with indexes of downloadable Python software such as PyPI, the Python Package Index. The PyPA publishes the Python Packaging User Guide as the authoritative resource on how to package, publish, and install Python projects using current tools.

While reading the packaging user guide is a good idea, here I have summarized my experience of dealing with packaging in Python as a developer, and tried to make sense of the many tools and practices that have emerged in this area through the long life of Python.

Packaging Format

A Python distribution is a set of one or more Python packages, modules or extensions, which is packaged in a certain way that allows it to be easily distributed and installed on other systems. A distribution could be a source (or pure) or binary (non-pure) distribution, depending on whether it includes at least one Python extension. It mentions what packages it provides, what packages it obsoletes, and which other Python packages it requires as a dependency. Distribution name, version, author, url and license are also specified among other metadata.

Python extensions are software which has been written to interface with the low-level native implementation language of Python interpreter (C for CPython, Java for Jython, etc.) and therefore needs a separate build step either before being made into a binary distribution, or after a source distribution is unpacked. These are typically contained in a single dynamically loadable pre-compiled file, like .so or .dll. Build instructions for Python extensions is another responsibility of distribution description.

There are several packaging formats for Python software:

  • source archive: An archive containing the raw source code for a release.
  • sdist: A distribution format that provides metadata and the essential source files needed for installing the software, or generating a build distribution.
  • bdist: A built distribution format introduced by distutils that contains compiled extensions.
  • egg: A built distribution format introduced by setuptools. Python Eggs are a way of bundling additional information with a Python project, that allows the project’s dependencies to be checked and satisfied at runtime, as well as allowing projects to provide plugins for other projects. Python eggs are being replaced by wheel format.
  • wheel: Current preferred format for binary distributions. It was introduced by later versions of setuptool as a replacement for egg packages.
  • zipapp: Since Python 3.5, the zipapp builtin module provides tools to manage the creation of zip files containing Python code, which can be executed directly by the Python interpreter. The module provides both a Command-Line Interface and a Python API.

These are some of the tools which have been used to create and publish Python distributions in chronological order:

This tool laid the initial ground for how Python distributions should look like. It depends on a mandatory file which is a configuration file written in Python and is also executable and an optional setup.cfg file which provides default values for supported distutils commands. distutils which used to be a separate project, has became part of standard library since Python 1.6. While there has been substantial improvements since then, the introduced distribution format and its respective configuration files have been more or less kept backward compatible.

This tool can perform these tasks on a set of Python packages (package in Python parlance), Python modules, or Python extensions. - build: only applicable to Python extensions - clean - check - install - package (sdist and bdist for source and binary distributions in various formats) - register: submit distribution metadata to the PyPI index server - upload: upload the actual distribution file to PyPI

distutils2 is the packaging library that was planned to supersede distutils, but the efforts have been merged and development has stopped.

setuptools (which includes easy_install) is a collection of enhancements to the Python distutils that allow you to more easily build and distribute Python distributions, especially ones that have dependencies on other packages.

This tool has mostly superseded distutils with superior functionality, but is completely backward-compatible. It has been part of a Python installation since 2.3. In 2013, distribute, a fork of setuptools, was merged back into it, thereby making setuptools the default choice for packaging.

Additionally setuptools offers the option to create Python Eggs, which is another format for Python software distribution.

Before creating Python distributions using setuptools, make sure that lastest versions of necessary tools are installed:

python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade setuptools wheel

Then run this command from the same directory where is located:

python3 sdist bdist_wheel

Primarily, the wheel project offers the bdist_wheel setuptools extension for creating wheel distributions. Additionally, it offers its own command line utility for creating and installing wheels.

Wheel produces a cross platform binary packaging format (called wheels or wheel files and defined in PEP 427) that allows Python libraries, even those including binary extensions, to be installed on a system without needing to be built locally.

This is the latest tool preferred by PyPI infrastructure for uploading distributions. Twine improves the interaction with PyPI by providing more security (verified HTTPS communication and digital signature for the uploading file) and testability. It’s important to note that this tool is only made for the uploading part. Building and creating the actual distribution file still has to be done using former tools.

PyPI has a test instance at TestPyPI where you can register for an account and start testing and experimenting with your distribution before uploading to the main instance.

python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade twine
python3 -m twine upload --repository-url dist/*
python3 -m pip install --index-url --no-deps <name>

There has also been many projects that have tried to create directly executable installers from Python software, mostly to match the traditional way software was targeted for Windows and Mac systems. What these tools have in common is that they do not depend on an existing Python installation on the system and bring their own. Some also offer code obfuscation and tamper resistance.


In addition to aforementioned packaging tools which also offer install functionality among other things, there are tools which are specifically created to install packaged Python distributions. They provide the added value of being able to fetch the distribution file from software repositories on the Internet.

All these tools require an existing Python installation.

  • easy_install

easy_install was released in 2004, as part of setuptools. It was notable at the time for installing packages from PyPI using requirement specifiers, and automatically installing dependencies. It lets you automatically download, build, install, upgrade and manage Python packages.

There are several methods to install setuptools

- on Linux and other systems with a software respository, use the
  appropriate package manager like `apt`, `yum`, `brew`, etc.
  For example:
    apt-get install python-setuptools
- download the distribution from PyPI for you matching Python version,
  then extract and run the install script.
- run `` which is a Python script available on the Internet
  made to bootstrap `setuptools` installation or upgrade:

    curl | python

easy_install has been deprecated in favor of pip. So if pip is not available and easy_install is, this is the only command you need:

easy_install pip
  • pip

pip came in 2008, as a replacement to easy_install, although still largely built on top of setuptools components. It was notable at the time for not installing packages as Eggs or from Eggs (but rather simply as flat packages from sdists), and introducing the idea of Requirements Files, which gave users the power to easily replicate environments. pip could also install from wheels, and uninstall Python distributions. Newer pip versions preferentially try to download and install built distribution for the target platform first, but will fall back to source archives otherwise.

pip has become part of a standard Python installation since Python 3.4, via the ensurepip builtin module. The command python -m ensurepip can be run to bootstrap the installation of pip command into an existing Python installation or virtual environment. This command does not hit the Internet and uses a bundled pip package.

In most cases, end users of Python shouldn’t need to invoke this module directly (as pip should be bootstrapped by default during Python installation), but it may be needed if installing pip was skipped when installing Python (or when creating a virtual environment), corrupted or after pip was explicitly uninstalled.

By default, ensurepip installs the scripts pipX and pipX.Y (where X.Y stands for the current version of Python), But if --default-pip command line option is set, then pip will be also be installed as alias pip in addition to the two regular scripts. This means that on Python 3, if an external pip has not been explicitly installed (via easy_install or an existing pip), the actual command name would be pip3 or pip3.Y and there would be no pip command.

An alternative method for installing pip is by downloading nad running the script.

curl | python

pip can also be installed using the operating system package manager:

apt-get install python-pip

pip introduced the support for requirements.txt file, which is a file containing names and versions of all Pythons distributions required by a software project to be installed or upgraded in one go. Example command:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

and then later:

pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Read this post for a simple and effective method to keep the requirements file up to date.


Although PyPI has been the ubiquitous software repository for Python developers for a long time, the public nature of it might not meet everyone’s needs.

Note that the original Python Package Index implementation (previously hosted at []) has been phased out in favour of an updated implementation hosted at [].

These tools provide alternatives for creating Python software repositories:

This is the current software that runs on the PyPI platform. It might be possible to host this locally to be used as an internal repository.

devpi features a powerful PyPI-compatible server and PyPI proxy cache with a complimentary command line tool to drive packaging, testing and release activities with Python.

Virtual Environments

While system-wide and per-user Python distribution installation has been supported from the early days, per-project installation is the preferred installation method as of late. To meet this demand, virtual Python environments were introduced, which are basically a complete Python installation along with its installed set of third-party Python packages and modules and extensions confined in a separate directory, which can be activated and deactivated as needed. The virtual environment directory can be created and removed as needed without any impact on any other Python installation on the system. Virtual Python environments can be built upon different Python versions and even different Python interpreter implementations.

Following is a review of various tools that I’ve encountered for managing Python virtual environments. Most of these tools require an existing Python installation.

An innovative hack on Python interpreter search path that enables creating separate and isolated directories to install Python packages and executables in. It allows not having to worry about other Python programs when installing, removing or updating Python packages. Getting rid of all Python packages and executables that were installed for project is possible by simply removing the virtualenv directory for that project. Combined with the ease of package installation provided by pip and a requirements.txt file, virtualenv became an invaluable part of a Python developer’s workflow. Does anyone remember when Python packages could only be installed by running python install in package source directory? requirements.txt is a text file keeping lists all Python package dependencies for a project along with their exact or minimum and maximum required version numbers, and it is usually shipped as part of the Python package. pip freeze is the command usually used to create this file. virtualenvs need to be “activate”d before running Python interpreter, because they manipulate Python’s module search path and OS’s executable search path.

  • virtualenvwrapper

Simply a set of shell helpers to make working with virtualenv easier. These helpers include mkvirtualenv, rmvirtualenv and workon scripts. virtualenvwrapper also creates a separate hidden directory in user’s home directory and uses it as a central place to put virtualenv directories in. This reduces developer confusion by venv directories being scattered all over the file system.

  • pew

Another wrapper on top of virtualenv.

  • pyvenv

Yet another wrapper on top of virtualenv.

  • venv

virtualenvs have since become such a ubiquitous part of Python development that for Python 3.3, the community decided to include the basic functionality provided by virtualenv in a builtin module named venv. When invoked from the command line (using python -m venv) this module can create virtualenvs just as virtualenv previously did.

  • pyenv

It allows not only creating virtual environments, but also installing separate Python interpreter instances on the same system, thus allowing to test the code on different Python versions and implementations.

  • pipenv

pipenv is Python community’s answer to what npm does for JavaScript. This new tool is so promising that it has rapidly become the recommended way to manage Python environments in Python documentation.

pipenv allows a separate set of development and production list of requirements, and keeps a record of which package was installed explicitly by the user and which one was just a dependency (what pip freeze can not do). virtualenvs created by pipenv are an essential part of workflow and do not require activating by the user, since you are expected to run Python package commands via pipenv run. If needed, pipenv shell starts a shell with virtualenv activated.

Pipenv aims to bring the best of all packaging worlds to the Python world. It harnesses Pipfile, pip, and virtualenv into one single toolchain. Pipfile and its sister Pipfile.lock are a higher-level application-centric alternative to pip’s lower-level requirements.txt file.

Poetry helps you declare, manage and install dependencies of Python projects, ensuring you have the right stack everywhere.

A modern project, package, and virtual env manager for Python. Hatch is a productivity tool designed to make your workflow easier and more efficient, while also reducing the number of other tools you need to know.

  • pipsi

pip script installer pipsi is a wrapper around virtualenv and pip which installs scripts provided by python packages into isolated virtualenvs so they do not pollute your system’s Python packages.

Development on pipsi has been stopped and moved to pipx project.

A set of tools to keep your pinned Python dependencies fresh.

conda is the package management tool for Anaconda Python installations. Anaconda Python is a distribution specifically aimed at the scientific community, and in particular on Windows where the installation of binary extensions is often difficult.

Conda is a completely separate tool to pip, virtualenv and wheel, but provides many of their combined features in terms of package management, virtual environment management and deployment of binary extensions. Conda does not install packages from PyPI and can install only from the official Anaconda repositories.

Other tools

Flit is a simple way to put Python packages and modules on PyPI.

Shiv is a command line utility for building fully self contained Python zipapps as outlined in PEP 441 but with all their dependencies included! Shiv’s primary goal is making distributing Python applications fast & easy.

docker and other application container managers in general, are the latest trend in application packaging, distribution and deployment which provide application images independent from the programming language, and even the operating system. These images are the entire isolated file system that the application can access. So everything from the entire application code, Python dependency modules, compiled dependencies, Python interpreter and its system dependencies like libc and OpenSSL must have been included.

Creating a docker container just to use it as a Python package virtual environment might be overkill, but considering all the rest of goodies offered by docker which might come handy in a near future, it is more than worth it to put the time to create a Dockerfile or docker-compose config. Although one catch is you might still need to create the virtualenv locally (outside the container) to enable the IDE to offer its autocomplete features.

I hope these lists help you (and future me!) to make a quick decision regarding what tool to use when working on Python projects. I’ll try to keep this guide updated as Python software distribution ecosystem evolves even more. To read more, see Python Packaging User Guide.
